Merry Go Up | mixed media on watercolor paper | 7 x 9 in | 2010
I was always fascinated with horses. Their galloping in the wild, the way their mane flops over to one side of their necks. To me horses signified a form of freedom and speed. It's no wonder why as a kid, I often looked forward to the idea of riding the wooden horses at the carousel. It was the closest experience to riding a real horse. 
Then you grow up and your perspective change a little. Before, they carried a fraction of the freedom a real horse could offer. Now they somewhat look a little sadistic with their frozen panting faces. And then there are the brass poles that stab into their backs, trapping them forever in this ride of infinity. In a way, Merry Go Up represents a part of my revelation of growing up.
Merry go up


Merry go up

Merry go up Mixed media on watercolor paper | 7 x 9 in | 2010
